Friday, June 12, 2015

Theocratic Divisiveness in a Secular World

We live in an increasingly divided world, and the Secular Ethos strives to bring an end to that. Or to simply stop theocratic influences in governance. The justifications given for most of the discriminatory laws or practices are primarily doctrinal. Religious leaders persuade their congregations to fight against what their “holy books” call abominations. In turn, the congregates will go out and lobby for politicians and vote for discriminatory laws. The congregates and various religious organizations do these things believing they are doing “good works”. Overshadowing these good works, are the voices of the more extreme groups. Yet, the moderate stay in silence, and passively allow the division to continue. The moderates still support theocracy with their dollars through tithing's. Every time a check is written to a religious group or church their arguments receive political weight. The religious leaders then take these tithing's and finance campaigns to shift the blame.

The Pope shifts blame to Secularism

The Pope said in a bishops conference in Latvia,

The Lord has chosen to work in a company that, after having long been oppressed by regimes founded on ideologies contrary to the dignity and human freedom, today is called to compete with other dangerous pitfalls, such as secularism and relativism.” Source: Vatican press office

He is stating that secularism is “dangerous” , and is placing it in-line with ideologies “contrary to dignity and human freedom” . Yet, the message from secular communities is in favor of freedom. The secular society, particularly in America, is fighting for equality and to remove discrimination. The secular communities have a dedication to equality and human well-being. Secular humanist and atheist organizations constantly support charity and campaigns for equal rights. One such organization is the Foundation Beyond Belief working toward helping those in need and improving communities. Secularism is not about division in any way. It is about helping others, giving a voice to the voiceless, and fighting for equality in a divided world.

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