Monday, April 25, 2016

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Tennessee barely escapes bible bill.

    Tennessee got one right.. kind of.  Tennessee House votes no to overturn veto The article talks about the Tennessee House vote to overturn the veto on Tennessee's bible bill. The bill would have made the christian bible the official state book.  The vote to overturn the veto was only short 7 votes to get the 50 they would need.  The above article cites diminishing the significance of the bible as the reason for opposition. The bible lost its significance the moment we realized slavery was bad, when women weren't property, and mixed fabrics is a bad reason to kill someone.
  The bill was dead on arrival because it violates both the United States constitution and the Tennessee state constitution.  With Tennessee being a majority evangelical state, it would be safe to say that the poor reasons given were more than merely pandering. Our secular constitution separates the church from state. This separation will serve dual purpose to both protect the religious from a state that forces a belief they don't have, and to protect those with no belief from following religious dogma.
The bible is a terrible book to place in any position of reverence or relevance to anything in today's society. It promotes slavery, rape, incest, and genocide. Why do we even have people trying to make this the official....anything?    Sure you can dig through and pick the lines you happen to agree with, but that is just the secular morality of the modern era forcing you to throw out the atrocious.  With Tennessee's bathroom bill still looming, we have a long road ahead to eliminate big orange bigotry. But as an atheist in east Tennessee, I will take whatever progress I can find.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Persecution complex

Gods not dead 2 is just a further evolution of the persecution, and torture porn fetish that is Christianity. It started in the original gospels and is now being portrayed with modern technology instead of campfire fables. True GND2 is not a retelling of these ancient stories, but still seeks to frighten the masses with tales of persecution. These false narratives are drivers in the political will that is behind some of these egregious new laws popping up in the more evangelical states. Laws like the Tennessee bathroom bill, and Mississippi's Christians can shoot people bills. A staggering majority of the populations in these states are evangelical, and indubitably buy into the “if I can't be a bigot I'm being persecuted” message the proponents throw around. The truth that I wish they could see is that the world around them is moving forward and leaving Christian privilege behind.

 No group should have rights that harm other groups. The evangelical majority has held positions of privilege and power over others for far too long, and the rest of the country is fighting back to make America “one nation, indivisible ,with liberty and justice for ALL ” again. This does not mean everyone has to agree on everything just that every one enjoys the same liberties.